Open for Enrollment
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This exclusive course is part of the program:
The Joy of Learning the Kadenze Way
Go at your own pace
6 Sessions / 10 hours of work per session
Included w/ premium membership ($20/month)
Skill Level
Creative learning, TECL framework, Aims & goals, Instructional activities, Modes of delivery, Learning journey

Not available for purchase in India

Open for Enrollment

Your Joyful 21st Century Learning Framework

Open for Enrollment
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Go at your own pace
6 Sessions / 10 hours of work per session
Included w/ premium membership ($20/month)
Skill Level
Creative learning, TECL framework, Aims & goals, Instructional activities, Modes of delivery, Learning journey

Not available for purchase in India

Course Description
“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”
Albert Einstein

After the shambles that was COVID, schools and universities everywhere are reporting high levels of student disengagement, and struggling to find focus as ‘continuous partial attention’ distracts their learners. Administrative loads are adding to ‘work intensification’ for teachers, and ‘zoom schools’ are becoming mandatory in the hunt for improved models of delivery. The transforming energy of generative AI has been released, and unsurprisingly millions of teachers are saying ‘Enough!’ 

These are times without precedent for education.

Tenacious teachers know, although not without a measure of trepidation, that they must adapt and adjust to address the changing manners, priorities, and behaviors of their students, and their employing authorities. They understand that it is not simply a matter of doing learning design better; they need to rethink learning design completely.  

The solution is to ensure learning design embraces a pedagogy of creativity. Learning design needs to capture each learners’ creative capacities, ignite curiosity, encourage imaginative experimentation and good humour, and value embodied intelligences. Only then will student motivation be reinvigorated, student autonomy flourish, and that ‘supreme art of the teacher’ identified by Einstein be recovered for all.

The need for a pedagogy of creativity to infuse learning design has never been more urgent.

The Joy of Learning the Kadenze Way is a course in C21st learning design to help you adapt to and transform the conditions of modern teaching spaces. Produced by the Kadenze Academy, in this course you will:
  • share Kadenze’s Technology Enabled Creative Learning (TECL) framework; a mature, contemporary, and strategic approach to a pedagogy of creativity in the classroom  
  • complete the scaffolded TECL Learning Plan to apply TECL to your planning and teaching
  • identify the value of the live class, alongside synchronous and asynchronous modes of delivery
  • save time with serviceable support resources  
  • learn through ‘real world’ illustrations of practice and case studies
  • encounter rich collaborations and co-creations within your course cohort
  • receive a digital badge of accomplishment which aligns with your expectations for career advancement
  • be Einstein-like by awakening ‘joy in creative expression and knowledge’ for your learners… or simply… make learning more joyful. 

Whether you are a teacher of K-12, a teaching artist, someone with wisdom to share in a world hungry to learn differently, or a university professor, be among the first to discover The Joy of Learning the Kadenze Way.

Photo by Alex Alvarez on Unsplash
Course Content
Session 1: The Creativity Challenge & Technology Enabled Creative Learning (TECL).
“Creativity is now as important in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.”
Sir Ken Robinson

  • The creativity challenge and contemporary education
  • Experiential, embodied and aesthetic learning 
  • Learning through a pedagogy of creativity  
  • Managing learner inhibition thresholds: live and online
  • The cost of stifling creativity at a young age
  • Teaching as a creative career.

Session 2: TECL: Goals and Outcomes for Learning
Art is solving problems that cannot be formulated before they have been solved. The shaping of the question is part of the answer.” 
 Pete Hein, Poet, Architect and Mathematician

  • Clarifying and sharing goals, intentions & criteria for success; questions that guide
  • Deploying Expressive Outcomes (from Eliot Eisner) alongside behavioural objectives and related goals. 
  • Transforming learning by crafting a spectrum of expressivity in your courses.

Session 3: TECL: Instructional Activities and Hyflexing 
“A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.” 
 Shigeru Miyamoto, Pioneering Nintendo Game Developer

  • Work intensification and time-saving learning design 
  • Applying instructional activities to build creative learning pathways
  • Definitions: Hyflexing with Live, Synchronous and Asynchronous delivery
  • Acquire the skills to construct basic Reusable Learning Objects (RLO)
  • Use the art and science of wholistic structure to amplify the adventure of learning.

Session 4: The principles of TECL
“I try to set boundaries in order to create space.”
Nel Aerts, Painter, Collage and Textiles Maker

  • Manipulate the four dimensions of TECL to produce dynamic learning designs
  • Applying TECL principles to instructional activities and learning pathways
  • TECL as artful design practice.

Session 5: TECL: Making learning Personal and Significant 
“I use and play with other artists’ work all the time.”
Jonathan Monk, Painter and Designer

  • ‘Hacking’ resources from the world
  • Incorporating seven strategies to make learning personal and significant
  • Learning design for social learning: managing productive ambiguity
  • Students as authentic partners in learning.
  • Elevating student choice over rigid course structures.

Session 6: Embedding TECL through Retrieval Practice
“Working at Pixar you learn the really honest, hard way of making a great movie, which is to surround yourself with people who are much smarter than you, much more talented than you, and incite constructive criticism; you’ll get a much better movie out of it.” 
 Andrew Stanton, Filmmaker and screenwriter.
  • Retrieval Practice: TECL at your fingertips of memory
  • Developing the connoisseurship of critique
  • Judging value and efficacy in whole-of-course design
  • Anticipating confusion and boredom in learning pathways.
  • Using subtleties and nuances to build adventure and alliance in courses.
Pay What You Wish (WYW)
Pay What You Wish (WYW) pricing. This means you can name your price to enroll in Your Joyful 21st Century Learning Framework.

As a guide, we suggest a minimum payment of $250**
**At this level, we will include, free of charge, 5 months of Premium membership valued at $100.

Still too big a reach? Name what you can afford and pay for that.

This course is in adaptive mode and is open for enrollment. Learn more about adaptive courses here.

Session 1: Orientation: The Creativity Challenge & TECL (March 31, 2025)
· Disengagement and the creativity challenge · Social, experiential and aesthetic learning · The 'elevations' which make an effective creative course · Ensuring each person’s creative capacities are nurtured and not stifled · What it takes to grow a creative career
11 lessons
1. Introducing the Joy of Learning: the Kadenze Way
2. Meet Your Instructors
3. Disengagement and the Creativity Challenge
4. Watch TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson (Premium Exclusive)
5. Forum Response: Sir Ken Robinson (Premium Exclusive)
6. Challenge Activity Flipgrid Response: Creativity and Inhibition (Premium Exclusive)
7. Intro to Technology Enhanced Creative Learning (TECL) and Educational Innovation (Premium Exclusive)
8. Challenge Activity Forum Response: Review Kadenze Blog (Premium Exclusive)
9. TECL Learning Plan Step 1 (Premium Exclusive)
Session 2: Using Goals and Outcomes for High Student Engagement (April 7, 2025)
· Clarifying and sharing goals, intentions & criteria for success; questions that guide · Managing learner inhibition thresholds: live and online · Deploying Expressive Outcomes (from Eliot Eisner) alongside behavioural objectives and related goals
10 lessons
1. Introducing Educational Intentions and Artistry (Premium Exclusive)
2. Aims, Goals, and Objectives for Learning (Premium Exclusive)
3. Eisner; Behavioral Objectives (Premium Exclusive)
4. Eisner; Problem-solving Objectives (Premium Exclusive)
5. Eisner; Expressive Outcomes (Premium Exclusive)
6. Applying Aims, Goals, and Eisner (Premium Exclusive)
7. TECL Learning Plan Step 2 (Premium Exclusive)
8. What Goals Do I Have, and How Can I Use Eisner's Goals to Build a Spectrum of Expressivity? (Premium Exclusive)
9. How Can I Apply the Spectrum of Expressivity for Understanding? (Premium Exclusive)
10. How Can I Deepen Understanding by Asking Students to Make Expressive Choices... Repeatedly? (Premium Exclusive)
Session 3: Instructional Activities & Hyflexing (April 14, 2025)
· From instructional activities to creative learning pathways · The value and challenges of embodied learning · Multimodal settings for learning – classroom, asynchronous, synchronous · Building Reusable Learning Objects (RLO) · Identifying the features, benefits, and challenges creative learning online can bring to the adventure of learning.
7 lessons
1. Introducing Instructional Activities (Premium Exclusive)
2. Challenge Activity - My Instructional Activity Profile.pdf (Premium Exclusive)
3. Modes of Delivery: Part A. Clarifying terminology Part B. What works best?.mp4 (Premium Exclusive)
4. Challenge Activity - My Instructional Activities, modes of delivery and me.pdf (Premium Exclusive)
5. Learning Pathways Using Instructional Activities & Hyflex (Premium Exclusive)
6. TECL Learning Plan Step 3 (Premium Exclusive)
7. Introducing Multimedia Learning (Premium Exclusive)
Session 4: The Principles of TECL (April 21, 2025)
· Applying TECL principles to instructional activities and learning pathways · TECL as artful practice
6 lessons
1. The Principles of TECL (Premium Exclusive)
2. Principles of TECL: Creation and Narration (Premium Exclusive)
3. Principles of TECL: Fiction-Reality and Reflection (Premium Exclusive)
4. Principles of TECL: Emergence & Coherence & Artistic Redundancy (Premium Exclusive)
5. Principles of TECL: Mastery (Premium Exclusive)
6. TECL Learning Plan Step 4 (Premium Exclusive)
Session 5: TECL: making learning personal and significant (April 28, 2025)
· Learning design for action and interaction · Elevating all students as a partner in learning · Incorporating ‘co-roles’ for learners; co-learners, co-planners
5 lessons
1. Introducing Personalized Learning (Premium Exclusive)
2. Introducing Challenge Activity – Strategies to Personalize Learning Using Padlet (Premium Exclusive)
3. TECL Learning Plan Step 5 (Premium Exclusive)
4. Session 5 Lesson 4 Challenge Activity.pdf (Premium Exclusive)
5. TECL Learning Plan Step 6 (Premium Exclusive)
Session 6: Embedding TECL through Retrieval Practice (May 5, 2025)
· The fundamentals of whole-of-course design rich with adventure and alliance · Identifying environmental nuance in teaching contexts · ‘Engaged tension’ in TECL’s learning design · Elevating student choice over rigid course structures.
5 lessons
1. TECL: Educational Innovation & Retrieval Practice (Premium Exclusive)
2. Lesson 2_ Challenge Activity - Reviewing TECL Learning Plan 1.pdf (Premium Exclusive)
3. Lesson 3_ Challenge Activity Reviewing TECL Learning Plan 2.pdf (Premium Exclusive)
4. Challenge Activity - Respond and Reply to Critiques of Your TECL Learning Plan (Premium Exclusive)
5. TECL: From Retrieval Practice to Mentoring the Creative Craft of Learning Design (Premium Exclusive)
Learning Outcomes

Below you will find an overview of the Learning Outcomes you will achieve as you complete this course.

Instructors And Guests