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Go at your own pace
10 Sessions / 3 hours of work per session
Included w/ premium membership ($20/month)
Skill Level
Video Transcripts
social impact, motivation, logic model, stakeholders, ethics, the working group

Not available for purchase in India

Open for Enrollment

Teaching Artistry for Social Impact

Open for Enrollment
You can also start immediately after joining!

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Enrollment for this course has closed. But you can enroll in a future offering (please select)

Enrollment has closed

Go at your own pace
10 Sessions / 3 hours of work per session
Included w/ premium membership ($20/month)
Skill Level
Video Transcripts
social impact, motivation, logic model, stakeholders, ethics, the working group

Not available for purchase in India

Course Sponsor
ITAC, the International Teaching Artists Collaborative, is the sponsor for this course.

ITAC is the first world-wide network created by and for teaching artists who work in community and educational settings. ITAC aims to support teaching artist practice, create connections, and develop the field globally.

ITAC connects the thousands of teaching artists around the world who participate directly with people of all ages. In sponsoring this course, ITAC’s goal is to strengthen teaching artists’ skills and strategies to address current and future social challenges by sharing expertise in this pioneering field and supporting those who want to make a difference in the distinctly powerful ways that only teaching artists can!

ITAC welcomes new participants and members. Connect with us through:
ITAC website:

ITAC thanks the Community Arts Network (CAN) for its support in the development and promotion of this course.
Course Description
Join us to learn about the work that artists do in communities and schools to make a change in the world.  You will develop your skills to produce social impact through your creative practice. 

The course illuminates a range of strategies that teaching artists use to bring vision, intention, and effective practice to their socially engaged work. The strategies identified draw on teaching artist practice from around the world and illustrate the design and efficacy of that practice in different cultural settings.

Take this opportunity to expand your work, under the guidance of teaching artist experts. Throughout the course, you will be given opportunities to reflect on and develop your own practice and provided with a framework to shape your next project for social impact.

The course can be taken as a standalone learning experience or can be enhanced by engaging with the four case studies of teaching artists’ responses to the climate emergency in 2021 in the ITAC IMPACT: Climate Case Studies. [Click here to explore the Climate Case Studies]

Who is this course for?
  • Artists with some experience and an understanding of teaching artistry
  • Professionals who work with teaching artists
  • Those new to the field will find exciting challenges to consider.

This is not an entry-level course. We assume you are already familiar with the basics of teaching artistry and know how to creatively engage groups. 

For an introduction to the fundamentals of teaching artistry, you may want to start with the Kadenze Academy online course: Introduction to Being a Teaching Artist

Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct: Part of what makes Kadenze a great place to learn is our community of students. When communicating in forums, gallery and other activities, we ask that you help us maintain the quality of our community. Please:
  • Be Polite. Show your fellow students courtesy. No one wants to feel attacked—ever. For this reason, insults, condescension, or abuse will not be tolerated.
  • Show Respect. Kadenze is a global community. Our students are from many different cultures and backgrounds. Please be patient, kind, and open-minded when discussing topics such as race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other potentially controversial subjects.
  • Post Appropriate Content. We believe that expression is a human right, and we would never censor our students. With that in mind, please be sensitive of what you post. Only post content where and when it is appropriate to do so.
Please understand that posts that violate this Code of Conduct harm our community and may be deleted or made invisible to other students by course moderators. Students who repeatedly break these rules may be removed from the course and/or may lose access to Kadenze.


This course is in adaptive mode and is open for enrollment. Learn more about adaptive courses here.

Session 1: Welcome and Orientation (February 25, 2025)
Overview; What is a teaching artist? Introductions; Elements of this course; Your Journal and Your Project.
25 lessons
1. Welcome
2. Teaching Artistry for Social Impact
3. Introductions
4. Key questions of the course
5. Our commitment to you
6. Why take this course?
7. What matters most to you?
8. Who is this course for?
9. Course map
10. The Field of Arts for Social Development
11. Teaching artists
12. Introducing Gowri Savoor
13. The Impact ‘22 Artists
14. Introducing Madeleine McGirk
15. The 4 climate projects of 2021
16. What will you do?
17. Activity: Flipgrid
18. Activity: Where do you live?
19. Activity: Journal
20. Activity: Forum
21. Culminating Project
22. Activity: Journal
23. When did you want to be a teaching artist?
24. Thank you
25. End of session
Session 2: Getting Started (March 4, 2025)
Why is this urgent? About you Gathering what you bring to the course Challenges
13 lessons
1. Getting Started
2. Why is this urgent for you?
3. Activity: Journal
4. Activity: Journal
5. Gathering what you bring to the course
6. Activity: Journal
7. ITAC Survey: Greatest Challenges
8. Activity: Journal
9. ITAC Survey: Truths in Social Impact Work
10. Activity: Journal & Padlet
11. ITAC Survey: Necessary Strengths
12. Activity: Forum
13. End of session
Session 3: Language and Ethics (March 11, 2025)
Glossary Ethical considerations The Impact '22 Artists The Culminating Project
18 lessons
1. Language and ethics
2. Clarity about key words
3. The Glossary
4. Activity: The Glossary
5. Ethics
6. Six ethical considerations
7. Ethics and Participatory Art
8. Arlene Goldbard
9. Activity: Reading & Journal
10. The Impact ‘22 Artists
11. The Impact ‘22 Artists - Introducing your cohort
12. What matters most? - Questions to teaching artists
13. The Culminating Project
14. Culminating Project Template
15. Presentation materials
16. Seek feedback on your project
17. What do you love most about being a teaching artist?
18. End of session
Session 4: Social Impact (March 18, 2025)
Social impact Creative engagement Conducive environment Working agreements Positive working environments Relevance
31 lessons
1. Social Impact
2. Teaching Artistry for Social Impact
3. Benefits of the Arts and Social Impact
4. ITAC IMPACT: Climate Case Studies
5. How does engaging people’s creative artistry turn into social impact?
6. Ines Sanguinetti responds
7. Peter O'Connor responds
8. Grace Nakaka responds
9. Activity: Journal & Padlet
10. ITAC Survey: Creative Engagement
11. Creative Engagement
12. Activity: Journal
13. Activity: Journal - continued
14. Activity: Journal - continued
15. Conducive Environment
16. Building a good working group
17. Activity: Journal
18. Group work & Agreements
19. Working agreements
20. Group Agreements
21. Group Agreements
22. Activity: Journal, Forum & Project
23. Creating a good working environment
24. ITAC Survey: Effective Working Environment
25. Positive working environments
26. Activity: Journal & Project
27. Relevance
28. What Matters Most in Projects
29. What Matters Most
30. Activity: Project Worksheet
31. End of session
Session 5: Motivation (March 25, 2025)
Intrinsic motivation Using facts Reflective and great questions Excellence in artistic practice
22 lessons
1. Motivation
2. Intrinsic Motivation: leads to creativity
3. Intrinsic Motivation: personal investment
4. Activity: Journal
5. ITAC Survey: Sustaining Intrinsic Motivation
6. Intrinsic Motivation: connect to purpose
7. Activity: Journal
8. Activity: Culminating Project Template
9. Using Facts
10. Combining facts & intrinsic motivation
11. Activity: Padlet
12. Take a break
13. Reflection
14. Reflection and Great Questions
15. Activity: Journal & Culminating Project Template
16. The purpose of art: quote from James Baldwin
17. What does excellent practice in a social impact project look like? 
18. Activity: Journal
19. ITAC Survey: Great Teaching Artist Practice
20. ITAC Survey: Not Great Teaching Artist Practice
21. Activity: Journal & Forum
22. End of session
Session 6: Logic Model and Impact (April 1, 2025)
The Logic Model Assessing impact Continuum of Impact
28 lessons
1. Logic model and impact
2. Structural Elements of Social Impact Projects
3. Activity: Project Worksheet
4. Meet the Logic Model
5. José Pedro Zenteno: Logic Model
6. José Pedro Zenteno: filling out the form
7. Completing your Logic Model
8. Logic Models
9. Activity: Project Worksheet
10. Assessing Impact
11. Take a break
12. How to evaluate impact?
13. ITAC Survey: Measuring Impact
14. ITAC Survey: Measuring Impact
15. ITAC Survey: Measuring Impact
16. Continuum of Impact
17. Activity: Project Worksheet
18. Introducing Barbara Schaeffer Bacon & Animating Democracy
19. Barbara Schaeffer Bacon on Impact
20. Platô Cultural
21. Now it's your turn
22. Continuum of Impact 21 & 22 Projects
23. Activity: Project Worksheet
24. Activity: Journal & Flipgrid
25. Activity: Journal
26. Activity: Culminating Project Template
27. Take a break!
28. End of session
Session 7: The Working Group (April 8, 2025)
Your Working Group Empathy map Stakeholder map Documentation
15 lessons
1. The Working Group
2. Your Working Group
3. Tools to support your Working Group
4. The Empathy Map
5. Activity: Project Worksheet
6. The Stakeholder Map
7. Stakeholder Map used in Projects
8. Activity: Project Worksheet
9. Documentation
10. Documentation: a tangible reminder
11. Documentation used in Projects
12. Activity: Padlet
13. Activity: Journal
14. Advice
15. End of session
Session 8: Maximising Impact (April 15, 2025)
Facilitation Scaffolding Storytelling
18 lessons
1. Maximizing Impact
2. Key Practices that Maximize Impact
3. The Role of Facilitator
4. Activity: Journal
5. Your Personal Strengths / Weaknesses as a Facilitator
6. Facilitation
7. Facilitation: multi-tasking
8. Activity: Journal & Forum
9. ITAC Survey: The Role of Facilitator
10. ITAC Survey: The Role of Facilitator
11. ITAC Survey: The Role of Facilitator
12. ITAC Survey: The Role of Facilitator
13. Scaffolding
14. Scaffolding: designing steps for creative learning
15. Scaffolding used in Projects
16. Activity: Journal & Culminating Project
17. Storytelling
18. End of session
Session 9: Choices, Fun & Advice (April 22, 2025)
Choices Pleasure Advice from the experts
20 lessons
1. Choices, Fun and Advice
2. Making Choices
3. Activity: Journal
4. Making Choices: the process involved
5. Activity: Journal
6. Activity: Flipgrid
7. Making Choices in Projects
8. Activity: Journal
9. Pleasure
10. Pleasure: to engage participants
11. Activity: Journal
12. ITAC Survey: Unexpected Pleasures
13. Advice from the field
14. ITAC Survey: Advice from the Field
15. ITAC Survey: Advice from Experience
16. ITAC Survey: Overall Advice from Experience
17. Join the Climate Collective
18. Final Advice
19. Congratulations… almost
20. End of session
Session 10: Your Culminating Project (April 29, 2025)
Project planning Feedback Preparing materials Project submission
18 lessons
1. Culminating Project
2. Take a break to think over your project
3. Your Culminating Project
4. Culminating Project Template
5. Culminating Project Template: The Sections
6. Follow-through Plans in Projects
7. Activity: Complete your Project Template
8. Activity: Get feedback from a Coach
9. Complete your Project Summary
10. Additional Project Marketing Materials
11. Activity: Submit your Project
12. Activity: Portfolio
13. Activity: Journal & Survey
14. You've completed the course! 
15. Congratulations
16. Congratulations
17. Congratulations
18. End of session
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Learning Outcomes

Below you will find an overview of the Learning Outcomes you will achieve as you complete this course.

Instructors And Guests
What You Need to Take This Course
  • Access to a desktop computer or a laptop 
  • Access to the internet
  • Some time to dedicate to your professional learning

Your full learning in this course depends on wholehearted participation in the many activities it includes, such as:
  • Written reflections and investigations in a journal
  • Discussion on the forum and posting of short statements on Flipgrid and Padlet
  • Exercises to develop your own social impact project.

Additional Information
Why take this course?

  • To grow your skills as a teaching artist
  • To launch a new project with social impact 
  • To have your work make a bigger difference in the world
  • To become a leader in the global field of teaching artistry for social change
  • To set a new higher bar, for those in the arts and outside the arts, that demonstrates how much power teaching artists have to address the most pressing social challenges