1. Social Impact
2. Teaching Artistry for Social Impact
3. Benefits of the Arts and Social Impact
4. ITAC IMPACT: Climate Case Studies
5. How does engaging people’s creative artistry turn into social impact?
6. Ines Sanguinetti responds
7. Peter O'Connor responds
8. Grace Nakaka responds
9. Activity: Journal & Padlet
10. ITAC Survey: Creative Engagement
11. Creative Engagement
12. Activity: Journal
13. Activity: Journal - continued
14. Activity: Journal - continued
15. Conducive Environment
16. Building a good working group
17. Activity: Journal
18. Group work & Agreements
19. Working agreements
20. Group Agreements
21. Group Agreements
22. Activity: Journal, Forum & Project
23. Creating a good working environment
24. ITAC Survey: Effective Working Environment
25. Positive working environments
26. Activity: Journal & Project
27. Relevance
28. What Matters Most in Projects
29. What Matters Most
30. Activity: Project Worksheet
31. End of session